Tena y Misahualli
Tena is a popular launching point for jungle, kayaking and rafting tours in Ecuador's Amazon rainforest region. The entry to the city is marked by a statue of the indigenous hero Jumandy, who courageously led an uprising against the Spanish colonizers in 1578, and was subsequently executed.
At the unification of the Tena and Pano rivers in the center of town lies a popular pedestrian bridge, "el puente peatonal". The rivers become the Tena River, which soon joins with the Misahualli and eventually flows into the Napo River. The Napo winds its way east into Peru and Brazil.
Tena is popular with travelers, since it is known as being peaceful, orderly, clean and more geared towards tourists. Many inexpensive hotels, tourist agencies, and restaurants cater to backpackers who commonly use the town as a jumping-off point for trips into the rainforest. Tena is surrounded by forested hills and is located at the edge of the Andes, which are visible to the west...
Tena cond'
Tena and its surrounding indigenous communities are also bases for many volunteers working for reforestation projects, with community support in development initiatives in diverse, but connected areas such as bio-piracy, ecotourism and capacity building. Ecuador has one of the best politically organized indigenous populations in Latin America and Tena houses two major confederations, Fonakin (Federacion de Organisaciones de la Nacionalidades Kichwa de Napo) and Ashin (Association de Shamanes Indigenas de Napo); one of the major stand-offs during the 2001 indigenous uprising in Ecuador, took place here.
Tena is famous for the rainforest and rivers that surround it. The jungle, especially if you get outside the city 15 or 20 kilometers, is impressive. First-timers will be changed forever after they lay their eyes on a pristine stretch of Amazon. There is no shortage of jungle guides or tour operators, many have offices in the center of town on Avenida 15 de Noviembre. Rafting. Tena has reached near legendary status with whitewater enthusiasts since the 2005 World Rafting Championships were organized in the area by pioneers called Yacu Amu (now Rios Ecuador). Tena boasts the best rafting and kayaking in Ecuador and, some say, the world. The jungle rivers on the Amazon side of the Andes are bigger and have more consistent flows than their west-Andean counterparts. They are also the cleanest and most scenic rivers in Ecuador.
Centro Devas – Ayahuasca, chamanismo y coaching
El chamanismo con la Naturopatía son aliados poderosos en vosotros búsqueda para reclamar o simplemente Mejorar la armonía, el bienestar y el equilibrio. Esto se tiene que hacer paso a paso, a su propio ritmo, utilizando un programa para una limpieza completa del cuerpo y de la mente, un viaje chamánico real. Nuestro chamanes serán sus guias en este trabajo una visión profunda de ayudarle a poner los sufrimientos del pasado / presente en perspectiva, encontrar soluciones a las cosas o preguntas en tu contra … de LET GO....
France Amazonia
Hospedaje en cabañas de cemento con techos tipo “choza”, baño privado con agua caliente y electricidad. Frondoso jardin con orquideas para paladear un desayuno de excepcion mirando picafolres o monos en sus embiento natural. Aceso al rio Napo, mirador hacia el y descanso en hamacas alrededor de la fogata....
Las Latas Waterfalls
Las cascadas des las Latas, una actividad de un medio dia muy agradable, caminando a traves de la jungla amazonica. Un guia nativo le puede acompanar en el sendero para mostrar las plantas de la jungla, hasta que lleguen a las cascadas y disfrutar de sus aguas puras para...
El Jardin (Misahualli)
Desde su llegada usted se sentirá acogido por el encanto de nuestros exóticos jardines, lagunas con coloridos peces y el cantar de aves pasajeras que dan vida a “El Jardín”. La naturaleza es el marco perfecto para crear un ambiente relajado y armónico en el que se deleitara de un variado menú, los más frescos y seleccionados ingredientes dan vida a nuestros platos haciendo que su visita se convierta en una experiencia naturalmente deliciosa. Le invitamos a visitarnos, será un gusto atenderles. “El Jardín” donde la naturaleza alegra...
River People Rafting
As family we have been living in Ecuador for thirteen years and we have been involved in rafting and jungle trips for the last ten years working for the most part in the Tena region where we have pioneered two new river options along with opening commercially the river Intag in the Otavalo...
Hamadryade Lodge
Hamadryade Lodge es un lodge lujoso en la jungla de la Amazonia en Ecuador. Esta ubicada en la selva lluviosa de la Amazonia y sus 5 cabanas son escondidas en plena jungla. Exclusivo y lujoso, Hamadryade es un hotel que ofrece un servicio personalizado, con tours en tierra o agua, y muchas...